My mom, my sister, Elias and I were in the car the other day on our way to the store. I was telling my mom and sister about Elias' curiosity about his sister and him being a big brother. Every night when he says his prayers, he always prays for his baby sister and that God will keep her safe until we get her. Very cute. Anyway, we are in the car and I asked Elias, "Elias, what are we going to name our new baby?" He thought about it for a minute. And he said very matter of factly, "Choppen Sticks". My face turned bright red. I didn't know if I should laugh or not. Then of course I couldn't help but laugh at his innocence. My mom and my sister both start laughing and he is just sitting there with his mouth wide open and he looked like he was going to cry. He said, "Why are you laughing at me?" After I composed myself, I said, "Why do you want to name her that?" And bless his heart, he said,"Mom, remember when me and you and daddy went to that place to eat for daddy's birthday? And they cooked with fire and I ate with choppen-sticks? That's my favorite thing to do, so I wanted to name her choppen-sticks cause they are my favorite. " We went to Miyabi's Japanese Steakhouse for Shannon's birthday this year and he was just amazed with everything. Rewind a few weeks...
I bought the National Geographic DVD "China's Lost Daughter's" and he wants to watch that everyday. He knows that his sister will not look like him, but he does know now what Chinese people look like. He put two and two together with the people at the restraunt, and his favorite thing at the restaurant and there you have Choppen-sticks.
Rest assured, that is not her name. I just thought that was so precious and had to share!