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Monday, August 20, 2007

I give the first day of school a big fat F!

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So Elias gets up this morning and he is excited! More excited to eat in the cafeteria than anything else. I am happy for him, he has always been a social thing so i figured this would be a breeze! Today he was wearing a white polo shirt with camo shorts and tennis shoes. Man he looked cute! My friend Rene and her son Owen, who is in the same class as Elias, all rode together today. We get to the school and we are directed to go into the "Multipurpose Room". There about a bajillion kindergartners and there parents in this HOT HOT room. Way to too, kinda like breath. Anyway, after eleventy-seven hours we are directed to follow the teacher and go to class. We had to put their school supplies out in front of their classroom and leave. Some of the kids parents were there and some had already dropped them off. We are walking in this line, well, it wasn't really a line... and the teacher is WAY ahead of us. Some of these kids could have dipped and she would have never even known because she never ONCE turned around to see her following. Strike One. Strike two came when I get a phone call from Rene and she said that her son didn't eat lunch today. I said WHAT! I saw her give the teacher the envelope that had Owens lunch money in it, why didn't he eat? Well, apparently Owen wanted to bring his lunch box to school today... hello, it was transformers!!! So she packed a snack for him for after school on the way home. That is why she told the teacher "here is owens lunch money for the WEEK." not for tuesday-friday but for the week. They thought the lunch that he had in the lunch box was his lunch. (Six chips and a granola bar just doesn't look like lunch to me, how about to you???) Rene talked to them about it and they said... oh sorry! We don't keep track of who eats in the cafeteria and who brings there lunch. All we do is turn the money into the cafeteria and that's all." How very reassuring. And no he isn't my child, but yes the mama bear came out... Third strike, and you guys are going to Love this one... My mom picked Elias up from school today because I had to work. She sat in the car line for an hour, which is understandable. First day of school = craziness! Elias gets in the car and he has blood on his shirt, on both of his arms and on his leg. My mom asked him what happened and he said he ran into the swing set at school. I guess they didn't take time to give him a Kleenex or wipe it because he apparently wiped his nose on both arms and some dripped on his nose. Anyway, when mom picked him up, he had been sitting outside for an hour and had blood all around his nose and a clot thingy in his right nose. Now I know my kid and I know that when it gets hot like this his nose bleeds. But did they even look at him all day??? The blood on his arms and leg were dried. He is a white kid with a white shirt on... how could they not see that! When he got in the car with mom, he said he was thirsty so she ran by the gas station and he drank a whole bottle of water. I am so angry right now. He is 5 people! There was no note sent home and no phone call as to why he was bleeding or had blood on his clothes. So over all I give that school a big fat F!!!!!!!!

**After thinking some more about that... how do they know that he isn't anemic? How do they know that he doesn't have HIV or hep? We were not required to list such things on his registration form. Pretty comforting, don't you think???

*** Elias will be moved to a new classroom as of this coming Monday! I am so glad! Thanks to all that have said a prayer! ***


lara said...

That is really bad for the first day , over here you as parent all wait in the playground and your teacher lets the child out only when they can see the parent no way would he just hop into your mums car!!He could have gone home with anyone waiting outside for an hour!!also if there has been a problem they call you in to discuss things, i cant imagine sending a child home with blood all over him i hope you say something today i would be down there early.

wingepr said...

I would be so put out. I would be very concerned with that school, I cant image them letting a 5 year old sit there like that, I've never heard such a thing. Let me know how it goes.
