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Wednesday, March 04, 2009


It is with great pleasure that I introduce you to my new niece Mason... Isn't she just beautiful??

After 8 hours of labor that looked quite effortless, little Mason was welcomed into this world by her mom, dad and two grandmothers.

I got to the hospital around 9:30 this morning and Val had already been on the pitocin drip for about an hour and a half. She then got her epidural and to be honest she just napped from the 4 centimeter mark until the nurse said, "I think you are ready to push!"

I could not believe it. Now I watch A Baby Story and this was nothing like I have ever seen. Val was so clam and graceful throughout the whole thing. I remember thinking, what is going on here! This looks too easy.

Cole and I had to step out of the room because they only allow 2 people to be in there while she delivered. About 15 minutes later Doug calls to tell us we can come back. 15 minutes... really? 3 good pushes and Mason was here!

Mom and baby are doing very well and she is honesly just the cutest thing you have ever seen! I cannot wait to be a part of her life and watch her grow!

Welcome to our world Mason! We love you!!!!!!!!


wingepr said...


Anonymous said...

awwww. :( that made me cry. I love you, my anam cara...and mason loves you, too.

(and you're forgiven for posting such a horrible picture of me online. I'd say that giving birth 2 seconds before that is a good enough reason to look like dookey. :)

Anonymous said...

P.S. You are going to be such a big part of her life, Aunt Penny. Thank you!!