I looked at this blog a few minutes ago and realized it has been a while since I posted!
The holidays were wonderful! Lots of food and family... just the way I like it! Elias really enjoyed Christmas this year and there is NOTHING like seeing Christmas through the eyes of a child! I must admit that I was kind of glad when they were over though! There is so much running around to do and that sometimes takes all the fun out of it! I usually try to do a Christmas letter to give everyone a recap of the year but to be honest I was too tired to do it this year! I was just so ready for 2007 to be over! It wasn't a very good year for me to be honest with you!
Elias lost another tooth about a week ago at school! So now he is a bottom snaggle toother! He thought that it was so cool that the tooth fairy left him 2 George Washington's ($.50) He is such a cool kid!
No word on the adoption front. I know, I am getting tired of saying it as much as you are tired of hearing it. Word on the street is our agency is getting a new list anyday now. When I talked to the ladies in the WC (waiting child) office the end of November, she said that we "may" be on this list and we may be on the next one. So, it could be anytime now, or sometime in March. I am really praying that she is on this list :) But I know that she will come home when it is her time to come home!
Hope all of you are doing well. I am going to try to go back to sleep... working nights is KILLING the sleep schedule! Peace and Love Always!